Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Essay Plan

"Postmodern media manipulates time and space" To what extent does this definition apply to texts you have studied? 

Topic - Postmodern Media
Aspect - Apply to texts you have studied
Viewpoint - Manipulates time and space
Instruction - To what extent does this definition



  • The rejection of modernism 
  • Offers truth, improvement, hierachy and order.
  • Grand Narratives are rejected - (The Big Bang)
  • Industrialisation created possibility for PoMo to exist because everything became identical 
  • Loss of identity = Simulacrum


Space - an area / position in relation to something else
Time - linear measurement from start to finish

All songs are a remix or a form of bricolage

They either pay Homage or Pastiche

In the essay -

Name of the text (Year, Directors / Composers)
Everything is a Remix / Hybrid

Essay Structure
(5 Paragraphs)

Paragraph 1 - What is PoMo? 

Paragraph 2 - Django: Unchained 

Reference to Gone with the Wind - Mississippi titles scrolling at the start of the film. 
KKK parody scene - Reference to Birth of a Nation.
Black exploitation -  One of the few American Westerns that portray Americans in a negative way. 
Everyday box office films feature big stars appearing as the hero of films. This is not the case in Django.

Paragraph 3- Madeon 

Homage - Madeon pays respect to a number of artists, old and new 
Intertextual References - 
Bricolage - 

Paragraph 4 - A TV Programme

Conclusion - Predict the future 'sued for sampling' 

"The Death of Uncool"

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